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Adding / Removing Applications

The applications that are deployed using ArgoCD's ApplicationSet controller. This allows us to use common patterns to deploy each of the applications and allow specific environments to modify or disable some applications.

Modifying an application

To create an environment specific modification to an application you must first determine if it's being deployed with Helm or Kustomize.


Most of the applications can have their Helm values overridden by adding or modifying $DEPLOY_NAME/helm-configs/$APPLICATION.yaml in your deployment repo.


To make changes you will need to add or modify files in $DEPLOY_NAME/manifests/$APPLICATION/ in your deployment repo.

Removing an application for a specific deploy

To remove an application from being deployed, add or modify the uc_skip_components annotation on the Kubernetes Secret which defines the cluster in the argocd namespace. The uc_skip_components annotation is a string-ified JSON list of applications to skip like:

uc_skip_components: |

Adding an application to UnderStack

Adding an application to be part of UnderStack involves modifying the apps/appsets/*.yaml file that is appropriate for what you are attempting to add.

The general form should be:

# list item per ArgoCD Application
# the component value will appear as the ArgoCD Application name
- component: dex
  # the below line can be added to install this into a different namespace than the component
  # componentNamespace: dex-system
  # this allows this component to not be installed
  skipComponent: '{{has "dex" ((default "[]" (index .metadata.annotations "uc_skip_components") | fromJson))}}'
  # defines all the sources used, the upstream chart or upstream source should come first
  # uc_repo_ in this context is the understack repo
  # uc_deploy_ in this context is the deploy specific repo
    - repoURL:
      chart: dex
      targetRevision: 0.16.0
        releaseName: dex
        # this pulls defaults from the understack repo
          - $understack/components/dex/values.yaml
        # this pulls overrides from your deploy repo
          - $deploy/{{.name}}/helm-configs/dex.yaml
        # this makes it so the above don't have to exist
        ignoreMissingValueFiles: true
    - repoURL: '{{index .metadata.annotations "uc_repo_git_url"}}'
      targetRevision: '{{index .metadata.annotations "uc_repo_ref"}}'
      # path should only be here if you have manifests you want loaded
      path: 'components/dex'
      # ref is used above in the chart for the valueFiles
      ref: understack
    - repoURL: '{{index .metadata.annotations "uc_deploy_git_url"}}'
      targetRevision: '{{index .metadata.annotations "uc_deploy_ref"}}'
      # ref is used in the chart valueFiles
      ref: deploy
      # only needed if manifests should be here
      path: '{{.name}}/manifests/dex'

Removing an application from UnderStack