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Deploy Repository

The deployment repository will contain configuration related to your deployment. Some of these items may be Kubernetes manifests or custom resources which will be consumed by different tools. It is recommended that one Deploy Repository is used per Management tier, see Introduction for information on what this is.

The layout of this repo will be something like:

├── management # (1)
   ├── helm-configs # (2)
   └── manifests # (3)
├── iad3-prod # (4)
   ├── flavors -> ../flavors/prod # (5)
   ├── helm-configs
   └── manifests
├── iad3-staging # (6)
   ├── flavors -> ../flavors/nonprod # (7)
   ├── helm-configs
   └── manifests
├── global-prod # (8)
   ├── helm-configs
   └── manifests
└── flavors
    ├── nonprod
    └── prod
  1. This contains data which the cluster labeled as management will consume.
  2. helm values.yaml files per application/component will be here for management.
  3. Any kubernetes manifests per application/component will be here for management.
  4. This contains data which the cluster labeled as iad3-prod will consume.
  5. The definitions of the hardware flavors that this cluster, which later you will see maps to a region will use.
  6. This contains data which the cluster labeled as iad3-staging will consume.
  7. The definitions of the hardware flavors that this cluster, which later you will see maps to a region will use. Notice it is different than staging.
  8. The cluster labeled as global-prod will have resources consumed here.