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OpenStack Helm

If you need to troubleshoot how OpenStack Helm is deploying some components you can utilize helm against your cluster to see what would differ or change from what's been deployed. You will need the following:

  • access to your k8s cluster
  • the helm binary installed
  • in the same working directory the following repos cloned:
    • openstack-helm
    • openstack-helm-infra
    • understack
    • your-deploy

You can generate what ArgoCD would deploy for ironic by running:

# first we need to build the dependencies
helm dependency build openstack-helm/ironic
helm template \
    ironic \  # what we are deploying
    openstack-helm/ironic \  # the path the chart's source is in
    --namespace openstack \
    -f understack/components/openstack-2024.2-jammy.yaml \  # the version we are deploying
    -f understack/components/ironic/values.yaml \  # common configs
    -f your-deploy/$YOUR_ENV/manifests/secret-openstack.yaml \  # credentials
    -f your-deploy/$YOUR_ENV/helm-configs/ironic.yaml  # your specific overrides

For another component change all instances of ironic to the one you want to target.

You can also diff it against the cluster with:

helm template \
    ironic \  # what we are deploying
    openstack-helm/ironic \  # the path the chart's source is in
    --namespace openstack \
    -f understack/components/openstack-2024.2-jammy.yaml \  # the version we are deploying
    -f understack/components/ironic/values.yaml \  # common configs
    -f your-deploy/$YOUR_ENV/manifests/secret-openstack.yaml \  # credentials
    -f your-deploy/$YOUR_ENV/helm-configs/ironic.yaml \  # your specific overrides
    | kubectl -n openstack diff -f -