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Understanding our Secrets

Like all software projects there are username/password combinations that are used to authenticate connections between different services. This document aims to disentangle where each one comes from and how it's consumed.


To create our MariaDB cluster we create 1 k8s secret with the key root-password which is the password for the root user.

Each OpenStack component will have it's own MariaDB user/password combination. The pattern that this project utilizes for this secret is $COMPONENT-db-password, where the component is lowercase. So for Keystone the name would be keystone-db-password.


Each OpenStack component will have it's own RabbitMQ user/password combination. The pattern that this project utilizes for this secret is $COMPONENT-rabbitmq-password, where the component is lowercase. So for Keystone the name would be keystone-rabbitmq-password.