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MariaDB Operator Cheat Sheet

Useful commands for working with the MariaDB operator.

MariaDB Operator



Connect to MariaDB for OpenStack as root user

Create a port forward on your local machine to the OpenStack MariaDB server pod:

kubectl -n openstack port-forward mariadb-0 3306:3306

(MacOS) Connect to the database from your Mac using the brew install mariadb client:

# extract root password from the kubernetes secret, then connect
ROOTPASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n openstack mariadb -o json | jq -r '.data["root-password"]' | base64 -d) /usr/local/opt/mariadb/bin/mariadb -h --skip-ssl -u root --password=$ROOTPASSWORD

Dump a MariaDB database

Create a port forward on your local machine to the OpenStack MariaDB server pod:

kubectl -n openstack port-forward mariadb-0 3306:3306

(MacOS) Dump the database from your Mac using the brew install mariadb client:

# specify the db to dump
#extract root password from the kubernetes secret
ROOTPASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n openstack mariadb -o json | jq -r '.data["root-password"]' | base64 -d)
# perform the db dump
/usr/local/opt/mariadb/bin/mariadb-dump -h --skip-ssl -u root --password=$ROOTPASSWORD $DB_TO_DUMP | gzip > $DB_TO_DUMP.sql.gz