How To Edit The Documentation

Repository Setup Instructions

  1. Fork the repository for canon react

  2. Clone the repository

  3. Create a branch

  4. Update package.json to the latest version

  5. Run scripts/update_gitbook (This script will install dependencies and npm install)

Adding a Static Page

  1. Open and add section or subsection (Indented)

  2. Create the .md file with the path given in

  3. Add content

  4. Run scripts/update_gitbook

  5. Look at the changes on localhost:4000

Editing An Existing Page

  1. Find the .md file (or, for component pages, the .jsx file) and make changes

  2. Run scripts/update_gitbook

  3. Look at the changes on localhost:4000

Adding a Component

If the component is from a new release, update package.json and npm install
  1. Create the .md file for the component in the docs/components directory (Will be the same html as every file in that directory)

  2. Add the component's section to

  3. Create .jsx for component in documentation/components directory

  4. Import that component and add it in documentation/components/View.jsx, similar to the others

  5. Import that component in documentation/components/AllComponents.jsx and create the React class for it:

    export const COMPONENT = React.createClass({
    render() {
       <ComponentView id="COMPONENT-ID" name="COMPONENT NAME" >
  6. In documentation/documentation.jsx add a Route for the new component with the new view from #5:

    <Route path="docs/components/COMPONENT.html" component={ section.COMPONENTVIEW }/>
  7. Run scripts/update_gitbook

  8. Verify changes are valid on localhost:4000

Edit Page Styling

  1. Open styles/website.css

  2. Add styling there

  3. Run scripts/update_gitbook

Submit Changes

  1. Create pull request by pushing the branch

  2. Get pull request accepted by someone with access, then have them run the following step on the master branch of the repository

  3. Run scripts/publish_gitbook (This will handle pushing the new documentation)

  4. Check site on

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