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Global Theme

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If you only want the global elements without any of ecommerce's patterns, css and js then this is the link for you. It is brand approved, includes bootstrap and is ready to go.

<link href="https://043a96a8a2caadd9c57463-9701ce6e6cbd7003c5a8a25a5a69546c.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com/v1.1/global/css/global.css" />
<script src="https://043a96a8a2caa9c57463-9701ce6e6cbd7003c5a8a25a5a69546c.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com/v1.1/global/js/global.bundle.js"></script>

Our Story

For every company that wants the power of the cloud without the pain of running it themselves, managed cloud is the answer. And Rackspace is the #1 managed cloud company.

In the beginning, companies had to buy their own computing hardware and software and hire technical experts to run everything themselves.

Then a few providers started offering IT hosting where businesses could rent access to dedicated servers. This could help save on capital expenses. They saw that this was good — but not good enough. The technologies were complex and fast changing. Things went wrong.

Businesses wanted help. But hosting companies didn’t provide it. They didn’t even answer their phones... except for Rackspace. Starting in 1999, we began listening to customers and providing Fanatical Support. We developed specialized expertise in areas such as Linux and Windows hosting and network security. We helped create the managed hosting industry.

Fast forward to 2006, Amazon launched the first big multi-tenant public cloud. It was API-driven, virtualized and instantly provisioned. Customers were billed on-demand for only the computing that they used.

Developers could suddenly rent access to immense computing resources.

These early adopters loved the public cloud and quickly saw the benefits, but many mainstream businesses wanted more. Amazon (and later Microsoft and Google) sold access to high-quality infrastructure. However, to use it, a business had to hire experts in cloud infrastructure and the many complex tools, applications and databases that run on top of it.

Once again, Rackspace stepped in to help create a new market category — managed cloud. Rackspace helped customers manage dedicated servers and cloud infrastructure, tools, applications and databases, so they could focus on their core business. They could stay fast and lean and avoid swelling their payrolls with engineers to run IT that didn’t differentiate their business.

Rackspace gave customers more than the world’s leading expertise and support. We gave them their choice of the world’s leading technologies. We helped them run each workload where it would achieve the best performance and cost-efficiency, whether on public cloud, private cloud or dedicated servers­, or in data centers owned by Rackspace, the customer or a third party. Rackspace became a leading provider of expertise and support for OpenStack® public and private clouds, Microsoft products such as Office 365, Azure and VMware virtualization solutions.

When you have a great brand, as we do, you have to work to defend it and enhance it. You have to do that with consistent actions, consistent images and consistent words.
Graham Weston
Today, every customer that uses the cloud has to decide how to manage it.

Businesses can rent access to raw infrastructure and then hire the technical talent to run it all. They can contract with multiple infrastructure and support providers. Or they can enlist the only trusted service partner who delivers Fanatical Support and specialized expertise across the world’s leading technologies. The customers who want a great partner have made Rackspace #1 in hybrid cloud, #1 in hosting the world’s top 1,000 ecommerce sites, #1 in enterprise Magento, #1 in DevOps, #1 in running shared MongoDB, #1 in hosting SharePoint, #1 in hosting OpenStack private clouds and #1 in cloud-enabled managed hosting.

For the new wave of pragmatic customers who want all the power of the cloud without the pain — who want to focus on their core business rather than on ever-changing cloud technologies — the answer is managed cloud, from the company that helped to invent it: Rackspace.